
Active Sheep Milk

Active Sheep Milk


Sheep Milk Feed is a feed that can be used throughout the entire lactation period starting from the period when the sheep are 4-5 weeks before the birth, and carefully formulated and produced by taking into account the milk quality and yield of the sheep.


It contains 17% crude protein and the energy level is high in line with the needs of sheep.

It enables our sheep to lamb easily.

It prevents our sheep from weakening during the fresh lamb period.

It provides a healthy rumen environment.

It provides continuity in milk and increase in milk quality after lambing.

Avoids the last throwing problems

With its special vitamin and mineral content, it increases the fertility rate.


• Maintenance of the last 45 days in sheep is very important for lamb development and maternal health.

• We must make sure that there is sufficient feeder space in the shelters. The head of the sheep should be at least 30-40 cm manger.

• It should be ensured that sheep have free access to clean and potable water.

• Respectively, at least 1.5 m2 dry litter area should be provided for each sheep, 1.7 m2 for pregnant and 2.5 m2 dry litter per rootstock for lambs.

• It is beneficial for our sheep to be housed and fed according to the lambing periods.

• Depending on whether our sheep go to pasture or not, it is important for rumen health to consume at least 1 kg of good quality hay daily.

• It is beneficial for our twin or more lambs to be housed and fed separately.

• Respiratory problems will increase as a result of high humidity and insufficient ventilation in shelters. Especially in winter, excessive and direct air flow should be avoided. In addition, it should be ensured that the shelter is sufficiently ventilated.

• Regular application of internal and external parasites and vaccines is very important in veterinary control of our sheep

Duration (Week)

Clover Herb




Silage Kg/Day

Sheep Milk Feed











 *The amount of roughage and concentrate given in the table is reported as the amount to be given per animal per day. If a raw material other than the ones in the table will be used, ask for support from your regional sales manager.